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IDS is an exchange format for checking rules for the information content of components. A model checker or quality checker goes through component by component and checks whether the applicability (i.e. the filter) applies in order to then check the attributes and properties as well as the values entered againts the requirements. I don't think IDS is suitable for exchanging information about properties. It has RegEx (regular expressions) to solve problems easily like those described in chap. 2 -> "EI90" or "EI-90“. But how can you reverse uncertainty into Psets? Easily it is possible to check all Qto_?????BaseQuantities independent from the IfcEntity.

But there is a standard für defining Property Sets „PSD“ http://standards.buildingsmart.org/IFC/RELEASE/IFC4/FINAL/PSD/PSD_IFC4.html. Why does the AEC software industry is not using this PSD for information input? The only question might be the hope for selling one or two licenses more...

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